Tuesday, August 16, 2011

slip sliding in the arizona heat.

I'm currently spending the week in Phoenix and found a used copy of Meat Puppets II on CD at Zia record exchange (in fact there were several used copies of several of the Meat Puppets albums for sale.) It seemed to be the perfect soundtrack for lazy days driving around in the +100 degree heat going from strip mall to strip mall, air-conditioned refuge to air-conditioned refuge. Perhaps great things are a foot in Phoenix, but I can't see how it'd be. Besides the heat there is so many things that are oppressive about the city. The car dominated landscape wide and straight roads gridding out the whole metropolitan area cut through by constantly busy massive freeways. The half empty city blocks, even in the "reviving" downtown area, where half of the blocks are either empty lots or empty buildings. The constant xenophobic paranoia against almost half the population that literally build the mortgage backed sprawl, ever growing and desert consuming.

Two of the big topics of debate in the mayorial debate held last night were how to prevent blight from un-maintained forclosed-upon homes and (non-existent) gang violence (read hispanic youth).

Oh well. What better to do than chill out, take it all in an listen to some psychadelic zztop-influenced post-hardcore american punk rock?


Blogger Dan Gr said...

The maintenance of unmaintained foreclosed-upon property was actually discussed in the debate? That is sad.

6:56 AM  

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