Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Critical Mastadon Rampage

Another 'only in SF' type of story.

Bicycle Riders go on a RAMPAGE!

And the people respond here here and here and here.

And the Noose is already making a play.

My initial reaction was that the original story as it ran in the SF Chronicle was skewed and 'not the whole story' and turns out I was right. As everyone will say, not that it gives anyone an excuse to whatever, but suburban soccer moms ain't saints and this isn't a story about critical mass at all, but two groups of people with overheated senses of entitlement getting in each others faces over a minor fender-bender. Is it surprising that questionable activities by a soccer mom with kids in the car precipitated an argument that escalated into a little violence.? In fact most people who are given credit for being good people generally follow the same distribution of assholes as any other group of people (as in there's a lot, possibly more than the population average). Mothers, nurses, teachers, priests, you-name-it.

And as the the reporters of the Chronicle and the commenters noted this was a perfect incident to sound-off on Critical Mass, Cyclists, Liberals, SF, Car Drivers, Everything. And fuck that. This isn't really about critical mass. It's a bullshit little squabble that has really nothing to do with Critical Mass or what CM is about but about how people are assholes. It's a bullshit little backdoor way to use Victim Politics into something that really irks you but really isn't substantial enough to hold it's own weight w/o the Victim. A little blemish on yr self-centered world that AH NOW YOU CAN BITCH ABOUT 'cuz the rabid mob of cyclists are attacking WOMAN AND CHILDREN. (not that the cyclists are any better)

This all coming the same week that the Duke 3 are proclaimed innocent of rape but does that make Duke and you and me and the rest of'em innocent of sitting by in a world where blacks still get the shit end of the deal? No one was shocked when the Dukies were accused, why should we be shocked now?

And Imus gets canned, but that doesn't change our persistent culture of racism and misogyny? And anybody remember those Victims in New Orleans? (I guess it doesn't matter now because it didn't stop Mardi Gras.)

Whatever. Nothing's changed this week, don't see it happening any time soon.