a new genre in collector-dom?
A few years ago a friend of mine who frequented a closed password protected punk record collector board (why?) told me about the phenomena of people posting pictures of their rare records. Granted, why have rare records if yr not gonna show'em off, right? She then tried to get me to do the same on a email list we both frequented. (no i didn't do it)
And then the other day I was looking up jandek on youtube and found these videos. maybe it says something about me, but i found these very watchable. Of note 1) this dude is from Maine 2) his looks (and tattoo) make him look like a recovering punk rocker, how'd he become Big Deal jandek collector now? There's a part where he shows off his wall of Jandek correspondence but doesn't want the camera to disclose the contents of the letters. What could be personal in a Jandek correspondence, is this DEAR JANDEK time?
D) its seems like it's his GF doing the filming who also made him the Jandek cake and also gave him a Jandek related stuffed animal present. V) why does he have records framed and put up on the wall? who does that?
and most importantly WHAT HAPPENED TO PART 4?
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