Monday, September 11, 2006

Pimp My Ride

While spending time in P****** at my parent's house and in S** D***** at my grandmothers house it was a complete gorge fest. I gorged myself on Ice Cream and Soda and lazing about and TV. Cable TV. While my parents of super-cable with 20 movie channels and one porn channel (what? why do they have that?) and millions of crappy things to watch my grandmother only has basic cable. And in the four days I was there I decided to focus on watching MTV. As has been the case for a while they no longer play many music videos on MTV and late at night they usually string together series of cheaply made shows. In the past this would be the cribs and jackass slot, this past week it was the slot for their def comedy show (don't remember the title) and the godly PIMP MY RIDE.

I'm sure I've heard of this show before but this was my first exposure to Xibizits gift to his fellow man of pimped out rides. The premise is they take beaters, serious serious beat-up cars, often nice-ish cars (muscle cars, range rovers, limos) that have seen far better days. They're not pimping out beat-up mid-90's Escorts (I can only dream) but they are pimping out cars for people who obv. care about having a cool car but no where near the means/time/real inclination to make it happen.

The real draw though is not the good-hearted feel good aspect, nor really the how-to-ish aspect as they pimp out the ride nor even some revelling in pimped out cars. Thats because, though the real appeal is the end product, they don't pimp'em out to normal people standards but do bizarro things that have no place in cars. Multiple 30 inch monitors, computers of all kinds, 30 ft projection screens popping out of trunks, trunks turned into rumble seats, absurd gaudy paint jobs, pnuematic message tube systems, water beds, water purifiers. This isn't a ghetto fantasy approaching anything near reality but a fantasy world where people aren't just defined by their cars but disappear in the presence of their cars. They no longer are imprinted by their cars nor have any real imprint on the car. The equation of pimped out car plus driver equals pimped out car; the driver is so miniscule in presence next to the ridiculousness of the car that all is left is the car. AND THIS IS NOT A CRITIQUE. THIS SHOW IS GREAT. WE SHOULD ALL BE SUBSUMMED BY OUR CARS.


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