Thursday, September 28, 2006

this is really tedious

Although I blame the lack of pressure to write as a youth on my feable writing skills, it probably also has to do with just me. Unfortunately the more pressure I put on myself the worse and more labored my writing gets. Writing quick emails or reports or even blogposts come relatively easy where any writing that will be more thoroughly judged and read I freeze up. And freezing up only leads to forced BAD WRITING.

It is true that writing was never a focus of my HS or pre-HS learning. Sure I wrote reports here and essays there, but there was never a focus on "this is good writing" and "this is bad writing." Never a lets write an essay and then edit it and then re-write it and then make it better kind of stuff. And not being any authority on elementary education who knows if there was space for it. Well there probably was as I also think I could have been pushed into more and harder math, more and harder science. It's tough competing from a out-west urban public high school where you're lucky to learn Spanish and get a couple of years of science against northeastern schools where the kids get shit like Latin and are pushed into doing real science research, etc. Though who knows if the results would be any different. I could hang with the best of them at Columbia but maybe I would of kicked there ass with better prep. And maybe I would have been a bigger asshole than I already am.


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